The Breakthrough Prize Foundation is a charitable foundation founded by science philanthropist and technology investor Yuri Milner and his wife Julia, dedicated to advancing fundamental knowledge, celebrating scientific achievement, and utilizing scientific and technological innovations to improve people’s lives and inspire future generations. The Foundation’s programs include the Breakthrough Prize, which recognizes the world’s top scientists in the fields of Life Sciences (with a specific prize dedicated to work related to Parkinson’s Disease and Neurodegenerative disorders), Fundamental Physics, and Mathematics

Each prize is $3 million and presented in the fields of Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics and Mathematics. In addition, the New Horizons in Physics and New Horizons in Mathematics Prize and the Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize are awarded to early-career researchers.


  • Anyone can nominate a candidate at the online nominations page during the open nominations period.
  • Self-nominations are not allowed.
  • A valid nomination will have basic biographical information on the nominee and nominator and at least one third-party letter of recommendation.
  • Candidate citations (up to 10) from a specified academic publishing database are required.
  • For Life Sciences Prize, candidate citations may not be dated more than 15 years prior to the current year.
  • During the nominations period (which typically opens in mid-January) please see the nominations form at

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