Quo Vadis Quantum Science is a 2-day workshop with Southern California UCs and national labs exploring outstanding challenges and new frontiers in the burgeoning field of quantum information science and technologies. It is hosted by a committee from the University of California, Santa Barbara and Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Labs.
The conference will be held at UC Santa Barbara on January 30-31, 2025 and will address four inter-related themes: Integrated Photonics for QIS, Advanced Materials for QIS, Quantum Sensing, and Quantum Control. Anticipated outcomes include new research collaborations, teaming for future federal and state funding opportunities, and development of new scientific research directions aided by cross-disciplinary conversation.
The UC Southern California Hub (SoCal Hub) aims at harnessing synergies between the five southern UC campuses and UC managed national laboratories for high impact, collaborative research in the national interest. To achieve this goal, SoCal Hub sponsors technical symposia, organized by UC faculty and co-leads from the National Laboratories.
Day 1: January 30, 2025
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 Welcome and Introductions
10:00 Plenary followed by Q&A: Integrated Photonics for QIS
- Speaker: John Bowers (UCSB)
- Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Integrated Photonics for QIS
- Session Co-Chairs: Galan Moody (UCSB) & Elizabeth Peterson (LANL)
11:00 Plenary followed by Q&A: Advanced Materials for QIS
- Speaker: Priscila Rosa (LANL)
- Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Advanced Materials for QIS
- Session Co-Chairs: Stephen Wilson (UCSB) & Vivien Zapf (LANL)
12:00 Lunch Break
1:00 Plenary followed by Q&A: Quantum Sensing
- Speaker: Tarun Grover (UCSD)
- Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Quantum Sensing
- Session Co-Chairs: Andrew Jayich (UCSB) & Tyler Guglielmo (LLNL)
2:00 Plenary followed by Q&A: Quantum Control
- Speaker: Michel Devoret (UCSB)
- Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Quantum Control
- Session Co-Chairs: David Weld (UCSB) & Malcolm Boshier (LANL)
3:00 Coffee Break
3:30 Internship and Employment Opportunities at National Labs
- Speakers: Heather Erpenbeck (LANL) and Elizabeth Wheeler (LLNL)
4:15-5:30 Poster Session
Day 2: January 31, 2025
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 Welcome and Break Out Session Plans and Goals
10:15 Breakout Sessions in Parallel
- 10:15 Co-Chair brief remarks
- 10:20 - 11:05 Breakout Presentations (15 minutes- 12-minute talk, 3 minute Q&A)
- 11:05 - 12:00 Panel/Group Discussion moderated by Co-Chairs; notes recorded in community document
12:00 Lunch Break
2:00 Reconvene and Debrief
- Breakout Reports from Session Chairs
3:00 Closing Remarks
Breakout Sessions: January 31, 2025 (10:15-12:00)
Integrated Photonics for QIS
- Han Htoon (LANL): Creation and Control of Quantum Emitters in 2D Flat Land
- Diego Dalvit (LANL): Space-Time Quantum Metasurfaces
- Shayan Mookherjea (UCSD): Opportunities for Integrated Photonics at the Frontiers of QIS
Advanced Materials for QIS
- Luis Jauregui (UCI): Quantum Anomalies in van der Waals Materials and Heterostructures for QIS
- Chris Palmstrøm (UCSB): Materials for Quantum Technology
- Leon Balents (UCSB): Intrinsically Entangled Quantum Materials
Quantum Sensing
- Wilson Ho (UCI): Quantum Sensing Based on Space-Time Coherence
- Pri Narang (UCLA): Applications of Quantum Sensing in Fundamental Physics: From Detecting Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking to Unlocking New Physics
- Steve Libby (LLNL): Distinguishing Between Noise and Environmental Clutter in Quantum Sensing
Quantum Control
- Wes Campbell (UCLA): Quantum Error Correction for Clocks and Precision Measurement
- Sagar Vijay (UCSB): Opportunities for Quantum Coherence in Far-from-Equilibrium Quantum Matter
- Kasia Krzyzanowska (LANL): Navigating Noise in Quantum Systems: The Relative Robustness of Squeezing, Entanglement, and Mixed States
The conference will address four inter-related themes. A number of crossroads and new opportunities have been identified in recent years regarding new platforms for quantum-based technologies and for approaches to controlling quantum coherence across a broad spectrum of physical systems. The goal of this workshop is to convene leaders across these fields to discuss open challenges and next steps across the field.
In the last decade, advances in photonic materials and manufacturing have enabled table-top experiments to be scaled down to compact chips with improvements in efficiency, robustness, scalability, and key performance metrics. These advances include chip-scale classical and quantum light sources, modulators, switches, memories, detectors, and light-matter interfaces that can be combined into modular systems for quantum information processing, chip-to-chip networking, quantum sensing, and optical beam delivery for interfacing with other quantum elements. To continue making breakthroughs in scalable and robust photonic platforms for quantum applications, the next decade will require addressing several challenges, including hetero-integration of different photonic materials, co-integration of photonics and electronics, ultra-low-loss photonic interconnects and packaging at scale, and the exploration of new materials, hetero-interfaces, and fabrication methods that can support these advances.
Theme Co-Chairs
Galan Moody
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
UC Santa Barbara
Elizabeth Peterson
Staff Scientist
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Advances in the control of quantum coherence and entanglement in the solid state often rely on the nature of the materials hosting the quantum states and the fidelity of interfaces between these materials within devices. Ultrahigh purity bulk and thin materials are required as hosts for tailored quantum defects with robust coherence, and new material types are broadly sought that can host intrinsically protected quantum information. Discovering these new materials classes and interfaces capable of hosting novel, protected quantum states and perfecting the integration of known materials classes and interfaces into devices are both required steps for progress at this frontier. The coming years will require breakthroughs in these areas for continued advances in solid-state quantum devices.
Theme Co-Chairs
Stephen Wilson
Professor of Materials
UC Santa Barbara
Vivien Zapf
Deputy Director, Quantum Science Center
Los Alamos National Laboratory
While sensing has long been a key application of a variety of quantum platforms, there are still major improvements to be made by utilizing many-body entanglement and correlations. Control of interactions among many quantum elements opens up new possibilities in this area, yet remains an outstanding challenge for many sensing-ready platforms. A key example would be entanglement-assisted sensing in which dipolar or cavity-mediated interactions among an ensemble of spins leads to metrologically useful entangled states, enabling measurement sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit. Schemes for generating and utilizing many-body states need to be theoretically and experimentally evaluated, in particular in the presence of real sensing targets.
Theme Co-Chairs
Ania Jayich
Professor of Physics
UC Santa Barbara
Tyler Guglielmo
Nuclear & Chemical Sciences
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Control of quantum systems away from equilibrium is a crucial element of modern quantum technologies, from pulse engineering to quantum error correction. The isolation and tunability of modern quantum information processing platforms opens up new possibilities in nonequilibrium quantum control, the transport of quantum information, the control of thermalization, and the development of dynamical control protocols which are intrinsically robust against decoherence. As one example of cutting-edge topics in this area, a largely unexplored frontier for quantum many-body physics involves the use of measurement and feedback to drive phase transitions and create new states of matter.
Theme Co-Chairs
David Weld
Professor of Physics
UC Santa Barbara
Malcolm Boshier
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Plenary Speakers
John Bowers
Distinguished Professor, Materials, Electrical & Computer Engineering
UC Santa Barbara