This series of programs throughout AY 2024-25 will support Faculty Collaborative Research Teams as they seek external funding to support their research goals. This program is designed to support you as you and your team 1) identify appropriate funding agencies and learn how to engage with program officers throughout the development of grant proposals, 2) conceive, plan, and write grant proposals and 3) submit major grant proposals for extramural funding within the next 18 months.
Ladder faculty members of all ranks from the Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (HASSE) disciplines are eligible to participate in the October 11th Collaborative Research Fall Funding Retreat. Faculty Research Teams interested in continuing to participate in the Collaborative Retreat Series will be required to apply (see details below). Each proposing team must include at least one HASSE faculty member. The additional collaborator(s) may be from any academic department at UCSB and/or from external institutions, including from STEM disciplines and departments.
Description of Activities in 2024-25 Academic Year
Fall 2024
October 11, 2024: Collaborative Research Fall Funding Retreat
10 AM – 3 PM ● Loma Pelona Conference Center, UCSB
Register Here to attend this retreat no later than October 3, 2024.
This retreat provides an opportunity for Faculty Collaborative Research Teams to 1) identify funding calls that will support their research, 2) begin to draft a grant proposal abstract, and 3) learn how to reach out to program officers at funding agencies to ensure fit between your research goals and their funding priorities.
Throughout Fall Quarter, faculty research teams will work on developing their research abstract and communicate with potential funding agencies before formally applying for funding. Faculty interested in continuing to be a part of the 2024 Faculty Collaborative Research Retreat Series should apply by November 12, 2024 (details below).
October 6, 2024: Call for Proposals opens for the 202425 Collaborative Retreat Series with Seed Funding Program
The AVC of Research has allocated seed funding and Office of Research staff time in order to support collaborative teams as they develop their grant proposals.
Collaborative teams interested in having a structured, supported space to develop their grant proposal are encouraged to apply to be part of the 2024-25 Collaborative Retreat Series. Applicants will be required to submit a) a one-page project abstract, b) documentation that a program officer at a funding agency has indicated interest in the research proposal, and c) a budget describing how they intend to use the $5000 seed funding to develop their grant proposal.
Teams awarded seed grant funding are expected to participate in the 2024-25 Collaborative Retreat series.
November 12, 2024: Short Application due for seed funding program
December 5, 2024: Notification of seed funding awards
Winter & Spring 2025
Collaborative Faculty Team Retreats I and II
One day-long retreat will be held during Winter quarter and a second will be held during the Spring quarter, with specific dates scheduled in consultation with participating faculty. These retreats are designed to provide structured time and space for faculty research teams, to offer the resources of OR as faculty work on their grant proposals, and to help faculty develop a feasible timeline towards submission of funding applications by Fall 2025.
Melissa Bator (mjb@ucsb.edu), Strategic Research Initiatives Associate Director