August 6, 2018

The Sponsored Projects Training for Administrators in Research (STAR) program is a comprehensive certificated training program developed by the UCSB Office of Research to meet UCSB's research administration needs. The program's goals are to improve campus understanding of regulations, policies, and procedures; to strengthen internal controls; and to provide staff members with access to key resources and contacts when they need help.

The program is designed for employees with duties and responsibilities related to contract and grant administration. Participants are welcome to take one or several courses in areas of particular interest to them-or they may opt to earn a certificate in the STAR program. Staff members who wish to earn a STAR program certificate must complete the coursework within two years. The certificate program offers 11 required courses from September through May and is free of charge.

For more information, a complete list of courses and to enroll, visit our Contract and Grant Liaison Web Page.

If you have any further questions, please send an e-mail to

Posted 8/6/2018

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